By Nora Super and Jeanne de Cervens

Essay Overview

This essay expands on the third area to identify new approaches to finance LTC expenses in retirement, and proposes several solutions to expand access to insurance to lower the risk of LTC costs in retirement.

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About the Authors

Nora Super is the executive director of the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging. In this role, Super provides strategic direction for two primary focus areas: Healthy Longevity and Financial Wellness. In 2020, Super launched the Milken Institute Alliance to Improve Dementia Care, which seeks to transform and improve the complex health and long-term care systems that people at risk for and living with dementia must navigate. Super is a respected thought leader, frequent speaker, and prolific writer on healthy longevity and the economic and social impact of global population aging. From 2014 to 2016, Super served as the executive director of the White House Conference on Aging, where she received wide recognition for her nationwide efforts to improve the lives of older Americans. She has also held leadership roles at the US Department of Health and Human Services, AARP, Kaiser Permanente, and USAging.

Jeanne de Cervens is a lawyer, public policy strategist, thought leader, and consultant on retirement security and aging matters. Jeanne led Federal Government Affairs for Transamerica through 2019 and served as a member of the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies/Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement global research team.

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