Tools For Financial Professionals
Many Americans are concerned that they will either run out of money in retirement or risk not having enough money to maintain their lifestyle. Educating clients on the value of protected lifetime income can mean all the difference in their retirement. Annuities offer reliable income that can retire some of the risk that comes from market fluidity. The Alliance for Lifetime Income is a nonprofit educational organization devoted to helping educate financial professionals – and their clients – about the need for protected lifetime income. You’ll find information to educate clients about their retirement income, stories from those who own annuities and insights from other financial professionals about their approach. There’s also a link to FINRA-approved sales materials you can use with your clients.
Will your clients have a gap between their retirement income and expenses?
Will your clients’ retirement income leave a gap between what they have and what they need? There’s a tool that can help them find out. The Retirement Income Security Evaluation (RISE) Score™ analyzes their income, expenses and the major risks facing their portfolio and generates a score that evaluates how likely they are to outlive their money. It’s like a credit score for retirement.

Financial Wellness Checklist
Health issues, combined with the ongoing challenge of solving for income your clients cannot outlive, create both challenges and opportunities for the financial services industry. The Alliance for Lifetime Income’s Financial Wellness Score is a great way to help your clients get a clearer picture of their financial wellbeing. It can help identify physical, mental, and behavioral threats to their retirement security, and provide personalized recommendations to help them more effectively protect themselves.
Financial Professional Resource Center
A Different Approach to Retirement Planning
See how financial professionals like you are educating their clients about the benefits that annuities can offer.