Insight: How to Increase Annuitization Rates in the United States

By Julie Anderson

Insight Overview


Annuity plan providers can encourage more Americans to annuitize retirement savings by making two changes. First, they can reframe the decision to annuitize by focusing on terms like “income” and “consumption” rather than “investing” and “earning.” Second, they can talk to investors about a minimal amount to annuitize, and so help them decide to take a first step toward annuitization.

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About the Author

Julie Anderson, MBA, MPP, is the founder and a principal of AG Strategy Group, a strategic consulting and writing services firm. Previously, she was the Chief Operating Officer and a Managing Director at Civitas Group, as well as an Associate Partner at IBM Global Business Services. Anderson has served as Acting Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Anderson earned her MBA from Duke University, has a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago, and is a graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln, where she was named a Harry S. Truman Scholar.

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